However, it takes time to format a cell and then type in the date.
Today we share with you a great keyboard shortcut that will allow you to enter the current day's date, or time, or BOTH in a spreadsheet as quick as can be.
Do remember that Excel always uses the current date and time from your computer, so make sure they are accurate.
How to Enter the Date in an Excel worksheet with a Keyboard Shortcut
Click on the cell in which you want the date to appear. Then press Ctrl + ; (In other words, press and hold the Ctrl key while you press the colin or semicolon key). Presto!How to Enter the Time in an Excel worksheet with a Keyboard Shortcut
To quickly get the time in a spreadsheet, click on the cell and press Ctrl + Shift + : (Press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys and then press the colon or semicolon key).How to Enter the Date AND Time in the Same Worksheet Cell with Keyboard Shortcut
You can enter BOTH the date and time in one cell if you type the keyboard shortcut for the date first, press the space bar, and then type the keyboard shortcut for the time. This is real cool if you create a lot of spreadsheets!For a list of the most popular keyboard shortcuts for Excel, please see our tutorial Microsoft Excel: Cool Keyboard Shortcuts. Our main website has many other tutorials for Excel beginners, such as Excel Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide and more advanced tutorials, such as the ones that explain how to use Excel's most popular built-in functions. Don't miss our newest tutorial, Microsoft Office Version and Windows Version Compatibility Chart..
► Take a look at some of our other interesting posts, such as How to Display Formulas in an Excel Worksheet
Not hot... I say this tip is pretty cool. Ha Ha. (Thanks!!!)
I've written this down on a postit note. I don't make many spreadsheets but when I do it takes me 5 minutes to figure out how to get the date in there.
This is a good Excel tip to have when, like me, you create a lot of small spreadsheets almost every day. Thank you.
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